
An unforgettable 5 course menu

Whether as a couple or with the whole family – at the 25th and December 26, 2023 we will prepare an unforgettable Christmas menu for you.
Start 6:30 pm.
66,50 € per person

    I agree that my details and data will be collected and stored electronically to answer my request. Note: This consent can be revoked at any time for the future. You can find more information about how we handle your data under data protection .*



    The menu

    1st gear

    Starter triad of venison, trout and duck with accompanying sauces

    2nd gear

    Goose consommé with Madeira and pickled plum

    3rd gear

    Stuffed fillet of brook trout, North Sea crab, dill foam, black salsify ragout

    4th gear

    Guinea fowl breast with truffled sauce, pineapple and vine herb, grapes and
    Sweet potato dumplings

    5th gear

    Cinnamon foam with homemade plum ice cream, colorful fruits and chocolate mousse

      I agree that my details and data will be collected and stored electronically to answer my request. Note: This consent can be revoked at any time for the future. You can find more information about how we handle your data under data protection .*