With the spice of the world!

Come in and feel comfortable from the first second. The candles burn on the tables. Colours, shapes and materials exude elegance and comfort. Now it is your turn. Sit down and look forward to maximum enjoyment.

Fresh, regional, traditional and with the spice of the world. It’s going to be delicious at the Loeffel & Stenz. Discover new tastes, enjoy fine nuances and the best wines.

Walking stick x cooking spoon

After completing his training, the cook used to take the walking stick (the Stenz) and set out into the wide world. He should gain life experience and immerse himself in foreign worlds and kitchens in order to discover new ingredients, dishes, spices and combinations there. With him – as it should be for a chef – his own spoon.
Coming back from his travels, he was no longer a simple cook. But on the contrary. He had become a master chef. With the knowledge of foreign cultures and cuisines, he was now ready to create dishes that surprise, spoil and taste fantastic.

opening hours

Treat yourself to delicious dishes in our Loeffel & Stenz restaurant. Simply reserve a table online.

Daily 5:30 p.m. – 10:00 p.m

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